Ironfell wiki
Ironfell wiki

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CheatDebug = vd-dev debug mode (0 = off, 1 = on)(skip mini games and levels, use debug pad, draw text %, kill module bot, camera control, ect.) CheatNintendo = nintendo debug mode (0 = off, 1 = on)(pause = energy max, display menu debug) CheatChallenge = Enable all challenge (0 = off, 1 = on)(enable all challenge) InjecteurPath Y:/Invaders/Data/3DS/romfiles crunch (0 = compression not used, 1 = compression used) for multiplayer (demomulti1, hotelmulti1, laboratoiremulti1, centralemulti1, barragemulti1, officemulti1, hallmulti1) Part start (copyright1, menu1, menu2 (credits), planet1, hotel1, planet2, laboratoire1, hotel2, laboratoire2, planet3, canyon1, canyon2, planet4, centraleext1, centrale1, centraleext2, planet5, barrage1, planet6, volcan1, fin1, test1) Along with fairly ordinary things such as anti-aliasing and Circle Pad Pro/New 3DS C-Stick movement speed settings (which were apparently inspired by Resident Evil), there seems to be a function to capture the screen output to an external computer running debugging tools. The game contains a leftover debug script used for, you guessed it, debugging the game. The debug text doesn't specify how gameplay is captured, but it's likely on the computer over a wired connection.

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Specifically: Dig deeper into the code to see if there's remnants of this capturing ability anywhere.

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Ironfell wiki